Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Apple iPhone 4S - My Business POV

      I know many people were very disappointed of the announcement of the Apple iPhone 4S since there is a lack of a new design, but being the nerd that I am I feel like the internal hardware upgrades are pretty impressive. But the way Apple is shooting out the 4S instead of the iPhone 5 is a pretty good idea in my book and i will tell you why.

      With the business POV...i feel that Apple did it right for a change with minimal internal hardware upgrades and pushing more features with iOS 5...since they will be making lots of money due to the fact that Sprint is getting the phone...they dont need to overdo it and the minimal upgrades will save them money...Sprint has ordered over 30 million units of the iPhone 4S and they will with the money they will make due to minimal new parts used, Apple will overpower the competition and make the iPhone 5 a very powerful smartphone...i know alot of ppl that already have the iPhone 4 dont like this new phone...but people need to realize that they are overshooting expectations when these extra perks, business wise, is unnecessary.

      In due time, there will be an iPhone 5, and it will have the bells and whistles like bigger screen, better color display, and new phone design. So if you have the iPhone 4, and the upgraded camera with 1080p video recording, the Dual Core A5 process chip, and Siri, the state-of-the-art voice recognition/command program does not get your attention, then it's okay to wait. But in conclusion, the iPhone 4S only caters to people wanting an iPhone for the first time (especially Sprint customers) or people that still have the 3G or 3Gs models of the phone.

P.S. I also believe that Apple is waiting for 4G to expand to the general population which is close to happen soon.

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