Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple iPhone 4S -- Oct. 14th

I know alot of people are somewhat disappointed that Apple is not releasing the iPhone 5 yet, but the people that don't have an iPhone and is drooling for one, then this is a great option for you. The iPhone 4S is a very simple upgrade from the iPhone 4. The 4S version has the upgrades mainly inside the device. For instance, the camera has been upgraded to an 8MP camera (iPhone 4 has 5 MP) and this can shoot in Full HD 1080p (iPhone 4 only shot upto 720p). The 4S will also include the Dual-Core A5 chip which means processing power is twice as better and graphics is SEVEN TIMES FASTER than the iPhone 4. The processing power helps games and internet pages load even faster. Also another great thing for travelers is that the 4S is a world phone so there is a dual antenna for GSM and CDMA use. I know these are only a few things but alot of the main stuff will be featured with the iOS 5 that is coming out with the iOS products. That is a different story though.

Other than that, the iPhone 4S will release Oct. 14th at 8:00 AMthrough AT&T, Verizon, and now Sprint!!!! (Sorry T-Mobile users) The pricing is $199 --16GB, $299 -- 32GB, and $399 -- 64GB...pre-orders start Oct. 7th.

*UPDATE* - The iPhone 4S will be the only version to have the new Siri program. Siri is not your ordinary voice command program. Siri is actually your personal assistant when it comes to your trusty iPhone. You can ask it to do so much like for example "Where is a good place to get a burger?" and it will find a good burger joint with high ratings. Also, Siri can read your text to you while you are driving and you can speak back with it by saying "reply" then telling your phone what you want to type in your text message and send it for you...no need to be distracted from the road. Also you can tell Siri to remind you for just about anything...what makes this program great is that you can ask Siri like your talking to a regular person...its not just simple one word commands...so like I said I'm pretty excited for the iPhone 4S.

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